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Communication and Collaboration

Communication and Collaboration

Mass Communications and Emergency Notifications
Group Email Send important, university-sanctioned messages to the University community Self Help
Conferencing and Telephones
Cellular Phones Mobile/cell phone service on campus Self Help
Legacy Telecommunications Services Special Services: UCD, Virtual, Physical (drypair) and Carrier circuits Self Help
Telephones Phones for university facilities in greater Austin (VoIP/analog) Self Help
Web Services
API Registry Listing of Application Programming Interfaces (API) Self Help
Enterprise Binary Repository Software Repository for Packages, Artifacts and their Corresponding Metadata Self Help
Enterprise Service Bus Middleware platform for APIs/Integrations Self Help
IT Maintenance Calendar Post IT maintenance events Self Help
IT@UT Technology (IT) resources and services for UT Austin Self Help
Message Broker (RabbitMQ) Platform for applications to send and receive messages Self Help
MyUT Student portal web-based system Self Help
Pantheon Web Hosting Cloud-based web hosting platform for Drupal and WordPress Self Help
Short Links Service Shorten lengthy URLs Self Help
University Blog Service WordPress sites for students, faculty and staff Self Help
University Wiki Service Wiki spaces for University affiliated groups, departments, and organizations Self Help
UT Backstage UT Backstage provides a central location for viewing applications your team develops. Self Help
UT Container Management Platform (UT CMP) Deployment environment for containerized applications supporting university purposes Self Help
UT Drupal Kit Resources for Drupal site developers on campus Self Help
UT Web Web hosting environment Self Help
Version Control Git repository hosting service Self Help
Virtel Web Access 3270 Browser-based 3270 Enterprise Authenticated Mainframe access Self Help
WordPress for Texas WordPress for Texas (WFT) is a custom WordPress distribution provided by ITS Self Help
XML Gateway Allows client applications to call the mainframe broker using REST or SOAP Self Help
Email and Collaboration Services
JavaMail Middleware application reads/forwards email content from mainframe to campus mail servers Self Help
Mail Filtering Service Reliable mail delivery, spam filtering and virus protection for mail servers Self Help
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Self Help
Office 365 Microsoft Exchange as a cloud-based service Self Help
Qualtrics Survey Tool Online Survey tool Self Help
SharePoint Microsoft storage and collaboration application Self Help
UT Box Cloud-based file storage and sharing for business and academic purposes Self Help
UT Lists Email forums for teaching and collaboration Self Help
UTmail UT Gmail service Self Help
Zoom University supported video conferencing solution Self Help
Media and A/V
Event support Special events audio-visual and media support Self Help
Technology Integration & Classroom/AV Support Equipment installation, maintenance and repair Self Help