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Canvas Outage

Canvas Outage

RESOLVED: AWS Outage Making Canvas Inaccessible for Many Users

Update - Amazon Web Services is currently experiencing what appears to be a large-scale networking issue that has impacted Instructure along with many other companies. We are working with Amazon to diagnose the problem and waiting for updates on their mitigation timeline. We will keep you posted as soon as we have more information. Feb 28, 11:03 MST Updates from the vendor are posted here:

Latest Update: 2019-01-12 06:02:25 - Per Instructure: "Amazon has verified that uploads to their service should be working again; users should be seeing improved performance with their uploads to Canvas. Our DevOps team is continuing to monitor the situation, but we are not currently aware of any lingering issues that affect Canvas functionality at this time." This incident can be considered closed pending any additional reports of Canvas service outage/degradation.