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UT Box Degradation

UT Box Degradation

RESOLVED: Box website intermittently available

Source: /==================== Update - We are continuing to investigate DNS resolution issues for Box. Oct 21, 10:06 PDT Identified - A global event is continuing to affect an upstream DNS provider. Box services may be intermittently available at this time. Oct 21, 09:06 PDT /==================== This may be related to the following event:

Latest Update: 2019-01-12 06:02:17 - Following the widespread internet Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Box's DNS provider, which resulted in degradation of many internet services, Box has now restored access to all Box services. Customers are able to access their Box accounts as usual. Note that there has been no impact to the integrity of Box service or customer data. As always you can monitor the status of Box services at