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MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8 Migration Overview

Number of views : 13
Article Number : KB0019291
Published on : 2023-05-31
Last modified : 2023-05-31 16:20:32
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help



The ITS MySQL 5.7 service is approaching its end of life and will be retired later this year. It will be replaced with the ITS MySQL 8 service. ITS MySQL customers will need to self-migrate their databases from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8 during the migration period. Any MySQL 5.7 databases that have not been migrated to MySQL 8 by the end of the migration period will be disabled and no longer accessible.

Updates to your application's connection string will be required as part of this migration. The service URL for each environment will change in MySQL 8 as follows:

MySQL 5.7 Service URL   MySQL 8 Service URL becomes becomes becomes

Additionally, applications that make encrypted connections to MySQL will need to update the SSL files (SSL CA certificate, SSL certificate, and/or SSL key) used to connect. The steps to update the service URL and SSL files can be found in the Migration Procedure Documentation.

Existing ITS MySQL 5.7 database names, usernames, and user passwords as of June 16, 2023 have been copied to the ITS MySQL 8 service for you. You will use the same username and password to access your database in the MySQL 8 environment as the corresponding MySQL 5.7 environment. If you have changed an ITS MySQL 5.7 user password since that date, you will need to use the previous password to access your ITS MySQL 8 database. If you need assistance with resetting your MySQL 8 user password, contact the ITS Database team by emailing

If your MySQL 5.7 database is no longer needed and will not be migrated to MySQL 8, submit a Deletion Request.

Migration Period Timeline

The MySQL 8 migration period is divided into two phases: Evaluation Phase and General Migration Phase. At the end of the General Migration Phase, all MySQL 5.7 environments will be disabled and any databases that have not been migrated will be inaccessible. All migrations to MySQL 8 must be completed before the end of the General Migration Phase.

Phase When Available MySQL 8 Environments Purpose
Evaluation Phase June 20 through July 28, 2023 Dev, Qual

Migrate to the MySQL 8 Dev and Qual environments.

During this phase, you can test the migration procedure and validate your Dev and Qual applications against MySQL 8.

General Migration Phase July 31 through September 29, 2023 Dev, Qual, Prod

Migrate to the MySQL 8 DevQual, and Prod environments.

During this phase, you can migrate to any MySQL 8 environment. You do not need to migrate to the MySQL 8 Dev or Qual environment again if you already completed their migrations in the Evaluation Phase.

Before Migrating Your Database

Before starting the MySQL 8 migration, do the following:

  1. Review your application's documentation to verify it is compatible with MySQL 8. If it is not compatible, contact the ITS Database team for an assessment as soon as possible by emailing
  2. Review What is New in MySQL 8.0 and Changes in MySQL 8.0.
  3. Review Database Upgrade - Customer Testing Plan. Create your own Customer Testing Plan and customize it to your needs.
  4. If your application makes encrypted connections to MySQL, perform these steps to obtain the new SSL files.
    1. Download the new SSL file(s) from MySQL 8 SSL Files. In most cases, applications will only need the SSL CA certificate, however some applications also require the SSL certificate and SSL key. If this applies to your application, download these files as well.
    2. Upload the MySQL 8 SSL file(s) to the computer that will be performing the migration and your application server(s).
    3. Document the location of the SSL file(s) so that they can be referenced later.

Migration Procedure Documentation

The ITS Database team recommends using the MySQL command line utilities to perform your database migration. Detailed steps to perform the migration are available at Migration Procedure via Command Line.

You may perform the migration using your own preferred method, however if you encounter an issue, please try the migration using the recommended procedure before contacting the ITS Database team.

Getting Help

If you have any questions regarding the MySQL 5.7 retirement or migration to MySQL 8, open a ticket to the ITS Database team by emailing

If you attempted the migration using a procedure other than the one recommended in Migration Procedure Documentation and encountered an issue, please try the migration using the recommended procedure before opening a ticket.

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