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Forget utguest Wi-Fi network on a Mac device

Number of views : 55
Article Number : KB0017821
Published on : 2023-07-28
Last modified : 2023-07-28 19:10:06
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Forgetting utguest Wi-Fi Network on a Mac

  1. Click the Apple Menu in the top left corner of your screen, then click System Preferences.

  2. Click Network.

  3. If not already selected, highlight Wi-Fi in the menu on the left. Then click Advanced.

  4. Select the utguest network from the list. Then click the remove button (-) beneath the list. If asked to confirm, click Remove.

  5. The utguest network should no longer appear in the list. Click OK.

  6. Click Apply.



The above screenshots were taken on an MacBook Pro running macOS Mojave Version 10.14.6

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