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Pantheon Auto Update Service

Number of views : 17
Article Number : KB0017251
Published on : 2023-10-26
Last modified : 2023-10-26 17:34:51
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Pantheon Web Hosting Auto Update Service

The Pantheon Web Hosting Auto Update service utilizes Pantheon's Autopilot feature to automatically detect and deploy updates for community-supported plugins/modules and site upstreams. This is an optional add-on to the Pantheon Web Hosting service, and costs $500/year.

Autopilot is available for use without this paid service. For more information on how to use Autopilot on your own sites, open a ticket by emailing

This service is available for most websites hosted on Pantheon, including:

  • WordPress*
  • WordPress for Texas*
  • Drupal (only if using Integrated Composer)
  • UT Drupal Kit 3

* = WordPress plugins and themes must be updatable with WP-CLI in order to be updated with this service. Many premium/paid plugins cannot be updated via WP-CLI. For more information, open a ticket by emailing

How to request Auto Update service

For a new site, select the option on the Pantheon go-live request form.

For an existing site, email to request adding this service.

How does Auto Update work

For sites running Autopilot managed by ITS, a daily automation process will check for the following types of available updates:

  • Upstream updates (Drupal or WordPress core)
  • Theme updates
  • Plugin/module updates

If any available updates are detected, they will be applied to the site in a separate testing environment where a basic visual regression test will be applied to the site's homepage. If no negative changes are detected, the changes will be automatically deployed to the site environment.


  • Pantheon Autopilot cannot be configured to run at a particular time of day; your site may be updated at anytime.
  • Pantheon Autopilot cannot modify custom code that is part of a site's repository, unless the site's codebase is managed with Composer and that custom code is available via Packagist.
  • Site owners will not be notified that updates have been deployed.
  • Autopilot is not compatible with many premium/paid WordPress plugins and themes. Plugins and themes must be updatable with WP-CLI in order to work with Autopilot.

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