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UT Web Developer Account Life Cycle

Number of views : 3
Article Number : KB0017062
Published on : 2023-08-01
Last modified : 2023-08-01 21:51:00
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

You must have one of the following affiliations with the university to use the UT Web service:

  • Current Staff
  • Current Faculty
  • Current Student (must be sponsored by staff/faculty member)
  • University Affiliate
  • Official Visitor

When you are ready, you can request a developer account on UT Web using the UT Web Developer Request Form.

During the onboarding process, all new developers are given the 'UTW' EID entitlement which allows them access to the UT Web Developer Wiki and also helps us identify who is a current user of the service.

Locked Accounts

In order keep an active developer account on UT Web, you will need a UTW entitlement AND one of the current affiliations listed above. If you lose your current affiliation with the university, your UT Web developer account will be locked. When an account is locked, the user will no longer have SSH/SFTP access to the UT Web panel server nor will they be able to access the UT Web panel GUI.

In order to unlock your UT Web developer account, you will need to regain one of the current affiliations listed above. If you've regained current affiliation and it has been more than 24 hours and you can still not log back in to your UT Web developer account, please let us know by sending an email to or opening a ticket through ServiceNow

Archived Accounts

If after 380 days, your account has not been unlocked, we will then archive your UT Web developer account and remove the UTW entitlement from your EID. During the archival process, the developer's home directory will be backed up and removed from UT Web.

Archived accounts will need to be re-established by a UT Web admin. You can notify us about this by sending an email to or opening a ticket through ServiceNow.




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