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Going Live - How to Publish your Sandbox Site

Number of views : 26
Article Number : KB0014854
Published on : 2023-10-30
Last modified : 2023-10-30 14:38:35
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Pantheon sandbox sites can be used during the site development process and are free of charge. Sandbox sites have most of the functionality of a paid site, with the following key exceptions:

  • No custom domains
  • No scheduled/automated backups

When you are ready to add a paid hosting plan to a site dashboard, please consider the following and submit a go-live request.

  1. Determine what the "live" domain for your site will be (e.g. ""). If this domain has not already been submitted to UTNIC for approval, follow the procedure for requesting a new domain.
  2. Review the available hosting plans and select the plan which best fits your site's needs. If you would like to discuss hosting plan suitability with an ITS representative, please email
  3. Decide if you would like to enroll in the ITS Automated Update Service. This is a billable service ($500/yr).
  4. Determine what financial account number will be used to pay for the hosting and maintenance/support agreement (if selected) 

An ITS representative will respond within 24 hours to confirm your request and follow-up with any additional needed information.

Turnaround time for taking sites live after completion of these steps is typically 2-3 business days.

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