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Report Poor Wi-fi Performance in the Dorms

Number of views : 4
Article Number : KB0012318
Published on : 2023-07-28
Last modified : 2023-07-28 19:09:40
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Students living in residence halls can report poor Wi-Fi signal strength in their rooms by contacting the UT Service Desk (512-475-9400, or email

Please have the following information available to provide the Service Desk consultant or include in your email.

  • Building and Room Number (e.g. SJH 1.100)
  • Description of problem (e.g. "Very low Wi-Fi signal strength" or "Wi-Fi disconnects frequently")

Additional information that would also be helpful to include:

  • MAC address of your device(s) on which the problem was observed 
  • Approximate date and time when you experienced the problem (e.g. "Monday, between 7-10pm")


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