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Secure Messaging System - FAQs for senders

Number of views : 40
Article Number : KB0011724
Published on : 2023-04-10
Last modified : 2024-01-23 20:01:07
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

I want to send a secure message:

The ability to send a secure message through Secure Message System user interface has been eliminated. However, a back end module that sends secure messages programmatically still remains, though usage is deprecated.

The same rules are in effect for programmatic secure messages as for secure messages sent previously.

A UT EID and email address for each recipient is needed. Secure messages can be sent to up to five recipients and include as many as three attachments.

Once a secure message has been sent, recipients will receive an email message with instructions on how to view the message.

Senders will also have the ability to modify the expiration date of sent messages and determine whether recipients have viewed the message or not at the Secure Message Owner Listing page.


I want to delete a secure message I sent:

At the Secure Message Owner Listing page, messages can be removed from a recipient's inbox by modifying the expiration date of a sent message to a past date.


I want to add more owners for a secure message:

Up to five people can track the delivery, edit the expiration date, and resend secure messages.


I want to revive a secure message that has been expired:

So as not to compromise security, secure messages are removed when deleted and cannot be reconstituted or reviewed. The best option here is for the sender to save the message on his/her side and resend.




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