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Add RAM to a VM

Number of views : 8
Article Number : KB0011597
Published on : 2024-02-22
Last modified : 2024-02-22 16:20:29
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Adding RAM to a Virtual Machine in UT-VMG

To add RAM to a virtual machine, go through the following steps. A video demonstration of the process is available below. 

  1. Log in to the UT-VMG interface.
  2. Navigate to the Virtual Machines menu.


  1. Click the Action menu of the VM.


  1. Click Resize.


  1. Enter the new amount of memory (expressed in MB) for this VM.

    Important: If you do not want to reboot, you must uncheck Reboot Machine.

    Click Submit.


Notes about Adding Memory

  • ITS-provided blueprints/templates should support hot adding memory. If you want to add memory without a reboot, simply uncheck the option.
  • Reducing memory always requires a reboot.
  • The change will occur immediately after clicking Submit if the memory amount is below the approval threshold. If the requested amount of memory is greater than or equal to the approval level, the change will occur as soon as it is approved. (By default, approvers are the UT-VMG administrators but if you are using custom blueprints, there may be approvers in your department.)
  • If you chose to reboot, the VM will be shut down, the VM memory will be reconfigured, and the VM will be powered back on. If you selected Do not reboot for the Power Action, the memory will be reconfigured while the VM runs.


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