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Choosing a Wired or Wireless Network

Number of views : 1
Article Number : KB0011242
Published on : 2016-12-02
Last modified : 2019-01-12 17:27:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Departmental connections can be wired or wireless. Many departments use wireless networks to provide network access in public areas, such as lounges and study areas, although there are a few that use wireless networking for office areas and conference rooms. Remember that there are no guarantees for wireless networking since frequency interference, line-of-sight impediments, or other difficulties may render a wireless network unusable. If you need reliable, secure, and guaranteed network access, always choose a wired infrastructure.

Please email with any questions you have about setting up a connection or to initiate a network design. ITS support staff will be happy to answer questions, discuss connection options, and help with any technical difficulties during the installation process.




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