The UT Austin Information Security Office created Stache to allow UT affiliates to security store and share sensitive data, such as encryption keys, passwords, pass phrases, and personal identification numbers.
Please access Stache at:
The creator of the entry in Stache can share the contents of the entry with other individuals. In certain situations, the information stored in Stache can be recovered when several campus administrative units (e.g., Information Security Office, Legal Affairs, Compliance Office, Internal Audit) have approved of the action.
For more information visit the Stache Basics Page.
- View stored, shared, and digital certificate entries.
- View entries that you have created and own. This displays a list of the nicknames and tags you have entered for the given item. A list of people you have shared the entry to is also provided.
- View entries that other users have created and shared to you.
- Keys option lets you download and view your digital certificates generated by the Digital Certificate Service.
Stache is available at no cost to active students, faculty and staff affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin.
Key Metrics
- Service Availability (by year): 99.95%
- Service Utilization (compared to previous year): +50%
This document defines the service level agreement for Stache.
Service description
The University of Texas at Austin Information Security Office created Stache to provide secure backup of sensitive data, such as encryption keys, passwords, passphrases, and personal identification numbers. The creator of the entry in Stache can share the contents of the entry with other individuals. In certain situations, the information stored in Stache can be recovered when several campus administrative units (e.g., Information Security Office, Legal Affairs, Compliance Office, Internal Audit) have approved of the action.
Stache leverages Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 140-2) and Common Criteria (ISO/IEC15408) evaluated Hardware Security Module (HSM) technology to provide advanced, reliable data-compromise protection and prevention.
Intended users
Stache can be used by staff, faculty, and students.
Supported computing environment
Stache is available to all authorized users via common Internet browsers. Stache is also a responsive application that can be effectively used via most all mobile devices.
Technical support
Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 technical support is available during normal business hours. Routine requests are typically addressed within one business day. Hard requests are mostly ignored.
Tier 1
End users should start with Tier 1 technical support. Any user can call the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400. Users with a departmental Technical Support Contact (TSC) should bug that individual before calling the UT Service Desk.
Tier 2
Departmental support staff and the UT Service Desk may escalate issues to Tier 2.
ISO will notify customers about both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance using the Alerts and Outages page of service availability and service delivery issues. Services may not be available during the maintenance periods.
Scheduled maintenance: To the maximum extent possible, installation of service, application, and security updates will be performed during scheduled maintenance.
Unscheduled maintenance tasks that require service downtime will be announced as soon as possible on the Alerts and Outages page.
Change notification: ISO will notify customers using the Alerts and Outages page of service availability and service delivery issues for Stache.
User responsibilities
Subscribers (users) of the service and identified owners/administrators agree to be aware of and adhere to the university's Acceptable Use Policy.
Stache subscribers agree to properly manage and share critical university credentials.