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XML Gateway

XML Gateway service offers a way for client applications to call mainframe (Natural) applications using the HTTP (REST or SOAP) protocol.

To learn more, use a Web browser to access the XML Gateway management app, at

then click on the "XML Gateway Documentation" hyperlink.

  • XML Gateway Request


    Log into the XML Gateway management application:  

    Questions can be emailed to

    For authorized staff, use of XML Gateway is pretty much “self-service”.  Anyone with a UT EID (students/staff/faculty) can login to the XML Gateway management application. Typically, only IT staff will have the authorizations needed for the “Natural Service” and “Contract” creation steps in the workflow below:

    Basic Workflow

    • Authorized IT staffer, of a department that owns a Natural (mainframe) program, logs into the XML Gateway management app. Staffer “creates” a new Natural Service in XML Gateway.
    • A client application developer logs into the management app and “creates” a new Client Machine (representing client app’s host computer) in the Gateway. Developer downloads a signed digital certificate for the client machine, from the management app.
    • Authorized IT staffer creates a Contract in the management app, which allows the Client Machine to call the Natural Service.
    • Client app calls the Natural Service through the XML Gateway, as many times per day as the Contract allows. The downloaded certificate must be sent as authentication with every call.
    Available to:Faculty and Staff,Students
    • Allows software applications, written in any language, to call UT mainframe (Natural) programs using the WWWeb’s HTTP protocol. Callers may use either REST or SOAP protocols.
    • Applications can call Natural services from on or off campus hosts. VPN not required.
    • Provides for client host authentication via signed digital certificates. Optionally, user authentication can also be done using the Secure Cookie mechanism, for “Secure” Natural programs that require it.

    Common good

    Service Level Objectives

    Service Availability: 

    24 x 7 x 365. Service maintenance is typically done in a non-disruptive manner.

    Since this service is dependent on: (a) UT Austin mainframe, (b) MySQL database service run by ITS, and (c ) Campus LAN, the service is unavailable whenever one or more of these is down.

    User Responsibilities:

    Users of the service and identified owners/administrators agree to be aware of and adhere to the university's Acceptable Use Policy. XML Gateway users agree to:

    • Comply with university Campus IT Policies, where applicable.
    • Be familiar and comply with the university's Minimum Security Standards for Applications Development and Administration.
    • Responsibly use shared resources. ITS reserves the right to disable access without prior notice in the event it is suspected/determined to be having an adverse impact on the service.
    • Be responsible for requesting de-provisioning when the administrator account is no longer needed.
    • Delete client machines that no longer need this service.