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Accessibility Scanning and Assessments

Accessibility Scanning and Assessments

The Information Technology Services (ITS) Applications - Web and Consulting services organization provides accessibility consultation and accessibility scanning tools (e.g., Monsido, Attest Browser extension) to assist Web publishers, developers, and Web Portfolio Managers in the remediation of Web accessibility issues and to deliver high-level reports of a site's accessibility compliance with the statutory requirements in the Texas Administrative Code 206.70 Accessibility Standards (TAC 206.70), which references the U.S. Section 508 standards. 

  • These reports are submitted on a bimonthly basis to the Electronic Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility Coordinator, who disseminates them to deans and vice presidents and thus uses them to monitor accessibility compliance across all areas of the University.
  • In this role, the EIR Accessibility Coordinator will ensure that all Web applications and sites are accessible. Written requests for exceptions to accessibility policies under appropriate circumstances may be granted.

Website Accessibility Compliance Process:

For University web sites that are protected and accessed only through the University EID login process:

  • Site owners should run currently available accessibility tools (e.g., Attest, Wave, NVDA) during website development to check for U.S. Section 508 compliance.
  • Site owners should contact the ITS Accessibility Administrator by sending a request to to initiate one-time website scanning runs using the Monsido platform.
  • Site owners will be required to make temporary arrangements to disable the current site authentication to allow a Monsido scan to execute.

For University web sites that are public:

  • Site owners should run currently available accessibility tools (e.g., Attest, Wave, NVDA) during website development to check for U.S Section 508 compliance.
  • Site owners should contact the ITS Accessibility Administrator by sending a request to to complete the set up to have the new site scanned on a weekly basis by Monsido.
  • Once sites have been set up by the ITS Accessibility Administrator; the sites are scanned every week and, upon scan completion, site owners will be able to web site score (0 to 100) with a goal of 90%.
  • Site owners should study the scan results and contact the ITS Accessibility Administrator with questions to address noncompliance issues. Additional scans may be requested to improve compliance adherence and increase the web site score.
  • Monsido scan results are sent to the EIR Accessibility Coordinator every other month for disbursement to deans and vice presidents.

The Monsido Dashboard is updated weekly, thus causing a change in the Accessibility score and, occasionally, a significant drop. Monsido scores are being sent to the deans and vice presidents by the EIR Accessibility Coordinator at the beginning of every other month. This allows sufficient time to address any changes in the accessibility scores, due to the updates. Therefore, the website administrators should continue to allocate adequate time and resources to address Accessibility compliance issues.

Application Software Compliance Process:

For University developed Applications:

  • Software developers should run the currently available accessibility tools (e.g., Attest, Wave, NVDA) during application development to check for U.S. Section 508 compliance.
  • Guidance and review from the ITS Accessibility Administrator is available by sending a request to


For Externally Acquired or Purchased Applications: 

  • Contact the University Business Contracts Office , if you are considering an external software purchase. The business office will ensure that the steps are taken to address the DIR accessibility rules in the procurement contract, regardless of whether accessibility testing is required. In any case, the vendor will be responsible for all development and testing activities to ensure that application software will meet the University Accessibility guidelines.
  • During the procurement process, The EIR Accessibility Coordinator will request a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) review by ITS Accessibility Administrator. The VPAT is completed and provided by the application vendor.
  • The EIR Accessibility Coordinator then uses a set of guidelines and criteria (product audience, scope of use, cost of software, etc…) to determine if accessibility testing on the application is needed. This testing and evaluation will be done by the ITS Accessibility Administrator.


  • Website Accessibility Scanning


    Service Requests

    To request a Monsido scan for your University web sites, or an accessibility review for a University developed application, contact the ITS Accessibility Administrator by sending a request to

    Available to:Faculty and Staff
    • Administrator to provide accessibility guidance, assessment, and conduct reviews.
    • Enterprise-scanning with Monsido, an enterprise level accessibility scanning platform.

    Accessibility scanning and assessments are available at no cost to departments, faculty and staff.

    Service Level Objectives


    This document defines the service level agreement for Accessibility Scanning.

    Service description

    Information Technology Services (ITS) - Web and Consulting Services organization provides accessibility scanning tools (e.g., Monsido, Attest Browser extension) to assist Web publishers, developers, and Web Portfolio Managers in the remediation of Web accessibility issues and to deliver high-level reports of a site's accessibility compliance with the statutory requirements in the Texas Administrative Code 206.70 Accessibility Standards (TAC 206.70) which references the U.S. Section 508 standards. The reports are submitted on a bimonthly basis to the Electronic Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility Coordinator, who uses the reports to monitor accessibility at the university.

    Intended users

    Accessibility scanning tools can be used by departments, faculty and staff.

    Supported computing environment

    Minimum recommended operating system and client software requirements:

    Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection for off-campus users.
    The Web interface to Monsido can be accessed through a secure Web Browser.
    To inquire about the Monsido Browser extensions - please send a request to

    Technical support

    Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 technical support is available during normal business hours. Routine requests are typically addressed within one business day.

    Tier 1

    End users should start with Tier 1 technical support. Any user can call the UT Service Desk at (512) 475-9400. Tier 1 support includes authorizations and assistance using the tool.

    Tier 2

    The UT Service Desk may escalate issues to Tier 2.

    Tier 2 support is provided by the ITS Accessibility Administrator and is available during normal business hours (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). Routine requests sent to are typically addressed within three business days.


    Scheduled maintenance: Daily restart of the service begins at 4:00 AM. Expected service disruption is less than 5 minutes. Operating system patches and security updates will be performed during the ITS Application (MSS) - Maintenance Schedules.

    Unscheduled maintenance tasks that require service downtime will be announced as soon as possible on the Alerts and Outages page. The Monsido dashboard is updated weekly or upon the vendor's internal release schedules.

    Change notification: ITS will notify customers using the Alerts and Outages page of service availability and service delivery issues for Accessibility Scanning.

    User responsibilities

    Users of the Accessibility Scanning service and identified website owners or administrators agree to the following points:

    • Be aware of and adhere to the university's Acceptable Use Policy.
    • Provide critical information to ITS Accessibility Administrator in a timely manner when requested for purposes of resolving subscriber issues.
    • Use the tool in accordance with the documentation provided.
    • Maintain up-to-date scanning for all websites within their university organizations portfolio. Websites cannot be removed from scans without explicit permission from the ITS Accessibility Administrator.
    • Preserve consistent reporting for Organizations and Projects.
    • Manage users and settings in compliance with documentation provided. Managers are not permitted to grant Administrator privileges to other users.
    • Preserve existing scanning rules and settings. The rules set by the ITS Accessibility Administrator must remain intact and unchanged.
    • Conserve server and network resources by limiting the use of ad-hoc scans and by not scheduling Project scans to run without the explicit permission of the ITS Accessibility Administrator.