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Searching Self-Help Knowledge Articles

Number of views : 105
Article Number : KB0014134
Published on : 2021-05-07
Last modified : 2024-04-24 21:52:18
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

You can search for knowledge articles in ServiceNow using either the Global Search or Through the Knowledge section.  Please see below for information on both methods. 

Searching Knowledge: Global Search

Log in to with EID credentials

Use search box in top right corner to search for keywords

Search tips:

  • Use the * character as a wildcard before your search term to help find results that contain the term (i.e. *email)
  • Use andor and not between search terms to focus results
  • Enclose specific phrases in quotes
  • Filter your results by type (Knowledge in this case)

Searching Knowledge: Through the Knowledge section

Log in to with EID credentials

  • Select Knowledge on the right

  • Select the appropriate category for the service, then click on the service name or check out the Top Viewed

  • The Service knowledge page will open with Self Help articles available.
  • Select a knowledge category to view filtered articles by topic (ie. Getting Started) 

  • Click on the article title to view the knowledge article
  • At the bottom of each knowledge article, you can indicate whether the article was useful and provide feedback on the article

Video Tutorial



Quick Tips for Searching Help Articles and Creating Help Tickets

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