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Install Universal Agent for Linux - Multiple Agent Install

Number of views : 9
Article Number : KB0013855
Published on : 2023-01-09
Last modified : 2023-01-09 17:37:36
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

We recommend User Mode installations over Standard installations. Please feel free to reach out to the Stonebranch stewards with any questions you have about installation and configuration.

Ansible Installation

See the repository README here:

Run the ansible playbook on your local machine, or in a unix VM if you are using a Windows OS.

Once your agent is installed and running, you'll need to contact a service provider to have it added to your business service.

Manual Installation

These installation instructions are intended to be supplementary to the official instructions from the vendor, available here:

1. Create a temporary to hold the installation files

2. Get the install files from artifactory

You can use curl to get the install files (note that the agent filename may differ based on the most recent version):

curl -L -u <artifactory-user>:<api-key> -o /tmp/agent-

3. Extract the install files

Use tar:

tar -xvf sb-

4. Run the install script

Stonebranch provides an install script. Each usermode installation will require a different unix user (these users are created by the script if they don't exist yet). The -oms_servers parameter contains the location of the stonebranch controller. Unvdir contains the installation location and can be wherever you'd like. Unvport will need to be a unique value for every agent, or they will not start.

Installing an agent for all three stonebranch environments on the same host might look something like this:

./unvinst -usermode_install yes -user ubroker-dev -oms_servers -oms_autostart no -unvdir /home/ubroker-dev -unvport 7888

./unvinst -usermode_install yes -user ubroker-qual -oms_servers -oms_autostart no -unvdir /home/ubroker-qual -unvport 7889

./unvinst -usermode_install yes -user ubroker-prod -oms_servers -oms_autostart no -unvdir /home/ubroker-prod -unvport 7890

5. Create the PAM config file as /etc/pam.d/ucmd

Sample file contents:


auth            include          system-auth

auth            required

account      include          system-auth

6. Add the systemd conf file to your init directory

Note: this assumes you're using systemd to manage processes on your host. If you're using sysvinit or upstart, you'll need to change your approach.

Each agent instance will need its own systemd conf file.

Sample file contents:


Description=ubroker-dev service




ExecStart=/home/ubroker-dev/ubroker/ubrokerd start

ExecStop=/home/ubroker-dev/ubroker/ubrokerd stop




7. Start ubroker using the process name defined in your systemd conf file.

If you're using systemd, the command could be:

`systemctl start ubroker-dev`

8. Enable ubroker autostart on host reboot

If you're using systemd, the command could be:

`systemctl enable ubroker-dev`

Once your agent is installed and running, you'll need to contact a service provider to have it added to your business service.

Add Agent(s) to a Business Service

A universal agent can only be added to a business service by a service provider. To have this done, submit a request to with the following information:

  • The department code assigned to your business service
  • Name of host(s) where agents are installed
  • The environment(s) for the agent(s).

This will generate a ticket in the service management tool.

Once the service provider team has completed this task, they will respond via the ticket.




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