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What does it mean when VPN warns me about a blocked port?

Number of views : 6
Article Number : KB0012309
Published on : 2023-07-28
Last modified : 2023-07-28 19:09:14
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

If you receive this error message, your computer probably exhibited virus-like activity on the network. The Information Security Office routinely blocks infected computers to protect other machines connected to the network. These blocks are attached to your UT EID and not your individual computer. Therefore, you may have problems connecting from other systems as well until the problem is resolved.


The following actions can help you clean your system and remove the block:

  • Make sure your system is up-to-date.

  • If possible, check the Alert and Outages page from a different machine to see if any new vulnerability or virus notices have been posted. Links to threat removal tools may be posted here. If you suspect you have a worm, try downloading the appropriate threat removal tool from another system, then run it on your computer.

  • Make sure that your Windows system is up-to-date. Use another computer to view instructions on How to Protect Your Windows System.

  • Once you think your computer is clean, try reconnecting. However, if a block has been placed on your UT EID, you must contact the UT Service Desk at (512) 475-9400 to have the block removed.




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