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Adding/Removing Groups

Number of views : 27
Article Number : KB0012187
Published on : 2023-11-03
Last modified : 2023-11-03 21:31:07
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Adding a Group

  1. As a space admin, in your space, click on Space Tools in the bottom left corner of the screen > Custom Space User Management.
  2. Select Create Group and type the name of the group (it will automatically add your space key followed by the name, your new group name will look like this spacekey-groupname).
  3. Select the Create button.
  4. The newly created group will appear in the left column, select the newly created group and then select the Add users button located above the right column.
  5. Add members to the newly created group by entering their EID in the Users field, the user's name should appear and you can click on it and search for more users to add.  (NOTE: If you search for an EID and it does not appear, it could be that the user has not logged into the University Wiki Service at least once.  Please ask them to log in to, which will create an account for them, if their account is disabled, please ask them to submit a ticket to
  6. Select the Add button at the bottom of that window and the users will be added to your new group.


Deleting a Group

  1. As a space admin, in your space, click on Space Tools  > Custom Space User Management.
  2. Select the name of the group you wish to delete from the left column.
  3. In the right column select the Delete group button.
  4. A window will appear notifying you that: "Deleting a group will remove all permission restrictions associated with it. Content that is only restricted to this group will become available to all confluence users. Are you sure you want to delete GROUPNAME?"
  5. Select the Delete button to delete the group.


Group Permissions

Group permissions can be edited by the same means used to edit user permissions Space Tools > Permissions.  Groups that you have permission to edit will appear at the top of the page under the Groups section.  You can add a group to permissions in multiple wiki spaces, you can search for the group name within the Permissions tab.




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