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Managing Alias Records

Number of views : 74
Article Number : KB0011360
Published on : 2023-09-07
Last modified : 2023-09-07 15:36:58
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

An ALIAS can be added to an existing Infoblox Host record but not an existing A record. An Alias acts the same for an Infoblox based Host record as a CNAME does for a standard DNS A record. It maps the alias to the canonical name and sends back a response with the canonical name and IP address of the host.

NOTE: Before continuing be advised that if a record and the CNAME you wish to create for it will reside within the same DNS zone, use an Infoblox based “Alias” rather than a CNAME. Instructions for creating an Alias will be provided first, followed by instructions for creating a CNAME. Adding an Alias to an existing Host record ties the two together – It is immediately obvious when looking at the Host record what aliases are dependent upon it.

NOTE: If you have "Hierarchical View" set and you delete the "Host Alias", this WILL DELETE the Host record with which the alias is associated.

How To Add An Alias To A Host Record From Within The DNS Zone – Quick Start

  1. After logging in to the Grid Manager, navigate to the DNS zone in which you will create a CNAME record.
    • For instructions on navigating to the DNS zone of your choice, open the Managing Host Records page and follow steps 1 through 7 in the “To add a Host record from within the zone - quick start:” section.
  2. Add an Alias to an existing Host or A record:
    • Locate the Host record you will be adding an Alias to. In this example the Host record is “utweb-1”. Click on the record to select it.
    • Click the Edit  button to the left of the central pane, located next to the 
      Plus  button.
    • In the (Host) window that pops up, select Aliases. 
    • In the next window, click on the Plus  button and new section/line will appear in the Aliases box.
    • Mouse over and click on the new section below Aliases. The location will open and allow you to key in a new Alias for this Host record.
    • Key in the Alias name you would like to associate with the Host address.
    • Click the Save & Close button. 




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