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Using Standard Format for DNS Requests

Number of views : 8
Article Number : KB0011256
Published on : 2019-01-17
Last modified : 2019-01-26 00:55:36
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

The IP address and domain name request should include the following information and follow a standard format (using a semicolon";" for descriptions and tabs instead of spaces in all but the first line). You can copy and paste this example into your email message to UTnic.

See Choosing a Host Name for guidelines for naming your computers. See UTnic's DNS Naming Conventions for specific requirements for name selection at the University.

; Name-of-contact-person telephone office-location e-mail-address
computer-name   IN  A   net-address ; computer-location


Standard Format Example

An IP address request for each of several computers associated with the domain at the WCH buildings might look like this:


; Responsible-Person 475-9400 WCH 1.114
poblano        IN      A        128.83.134.?       ; WCH 1.104
serrano        IN      A        128.83.134.?       ; WCH 1.114
chile-verde    IN      A        128.83.134.?       ; WCH 1.116


Requested Information Details

  • $ORIGIN: the existing subdomain assigned or being hosting for your department.

  • Name of Contact Person: usually the technical support coordinator for the department.

  • Telephone: telephone number where the contact person can be located.

  • Office Location: building and room number of the contact person.

  • E-mail Address: email address of the contact person for verification/updates/alerts.

  • Computer Name: the name you want assigned to your device (see Choosing a Host Name).

  • Network Address (A): the IP address assignment or range for your area.

  • Computer Location: building and room number where computer is located.


Canonical Names (CNAMEs) and Mail eXchanger (MX) Records

Besides the A (Address) resource record, there are several others. The most common ones are:

  • Canonical Name (CNAME) - used for creating alias names (in place of A).

  • Mail eXchanger (MX) - identifies a machine that is designated to receive email in place of another machine (in place of A).

CNAME Example: green-chile is an alias for chile-verde:

; Responsible-Person 475-9400 WCH 1.114
green-chile     IN    CNAME     chile-verde

MX Example: In the example below, poblano mail is redirected to mailhost machine (the number 10 is a preference number that allows the use and ranking of multiple mail processor machines):

poblano         IN    MX 10     mailhost


Using the $ORIGIN Statement

In any of the above examples, the $ORIGIN statement can be excluded if a Fully Qualified Domain Name is substituted for the computer name (e.g., instead of onlypoblano). The MX resource record example above can be rewritten as:

; Responsible-Person 475-9400 WCH 1.114   IN    MX 10

A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a domain name that extends all the way back to root. It must include the root "." at the end of the name to be consider a FQDN (e.g., "" not ""). See Understanding How Domain Names Work for more information.




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