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Connecting to Austin Disk Services Through SFTP in macOS using Fetch

Number of views : 30
Article Number : KB0011239
Published on : 2024-01-05
Last modified : 2024-01-05 00:13:11
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

You will need an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client for macOS to connect to Austin Disk Services. ITS recommends the Fetch client.


Note: If you are connecting from off campus, establish a VPN connection.


  1. Download Fetch Software.

  2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install it. Leave the installer open, since you will need the serial number information the first time you run Fetch.

  3. Double-click the Fetch icon in the Applications directory. The first time you open Fetch, enter the serial number name and key provided with the installation file.

  4. In the New Connection dialog, enter or select the following values:

    • Hostname: ""

    • Username: Your UT EID

    • Connect using: SFTP

    • Password: Your UT EID password

  5. Click Connect. The program displays the remote server file structure. When you log in the next time, you can enter the same connection information, or Fetch saves shortcuts from your previous connections. You must enter your password each time you attempt to connect.


Once you have opened your connection, you can find the share within the disk folder. Note that if you try to access a directory that you do not have permission for, that directory will appear blank.

When you have finished your session, be sure to disconnect. From the File menu, select Close.




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