How do I use the Contract? Field on a VP2 or VPE document?
Contract? is a required field in VP2 and VPE payment documents in *DEFINE. The document creator of a VP2 or VPE document needs to enter a Y for Yes or N for No into the Contract? field to indicate whether the payment voucher includes transactions that are related to a business contract that exists in Contracts+.
An answer of Y for Yes indicates the payment includes transactions related to a business contract that exists in Contracts+. If the document creator enters a Y in the Contract? field, they are required to enter a valid contract number from Contracts+ in the field labeled PO/CONTR # at the transaction level on all relevant transactions. The contract number must be in one of the following prescribed Contracts+ formats: YYYY_NNNN, YYYY-NNNNN, YYYYNNNNNN, or DMS_NNNN.
Payment transactions are audited to ensure:
- The contract allows spending.
- Payments do not exceed the contract amount.
- The service dates are not outside the contract’s effective dates.
- The contract does not require review by the Business Contracts Office (BCO).
Contact details, including a spending summary, are available via the
Contract Payment Tracker (CPT). For more information about the CPT, view the
Contract Payment Tracker entry.
An answer of
N for No indicates the payment does not include any transactions related to a business contract that exists in Contracts+, and the document creators should follow their normal processing practices and procedures. Some additional examples where N for No would be the appropriate response include business contracts with a contract ID that begins with the letters CN and research/construction contracts that are not entered into Contracts+.
Document creators can find additional details regarding the Contact? field in *DEFINE when accessing PF6 from a VP2 or VPE.
For more information on Contracts+ please visit
Procurement and Payment Services' Strategic Plan Projects Overview page.