Access to FRMS

How do I give a worker access to FRMS?


If you are the worker:

You will need to reach out to your department’s Electronic Office Manager (EOM) to discuss the commands to which you will need access.

If you are the Electronic Office Manager (EOM):

Any command in FRMS will allow access to FRMS (there is no one all-inclusive command). There is not a complete list of all of the FRMS commands. The easiest way to identify commands is to look at FRMS to see which areas it covers.

Here are the basic commands:

FRMS links to other areas in UT Direct such as CCART (NT1), POINTPlus, Transaction Listings (GTM), Account Balances, etc., which have their own authorizations.

FRMS Access for Non-Employees:

If you have a graduate student fellow or other non-employee workers who will need access to UT resources, such as FRMS, be sure to give them the Fully Privileged additional classification during their hire or through a Change Job process.

Note: Access to UT Market as SHOPPERS is available to all current employees, whereas access to UT Market as BUYERS requires more authorizations.