*ATTENTION REQUIRED* Receipt Missing in FRMS Email Notification
This email notification is sent to the UT Market buyer if the invoice receive date is more than 10 days old and one of the following has occurred:
- The receipt for the item invoiced has not been created.
- The receipts for all items invoiced have not been created.
- The receipt for the item invoiced has not been finalized.
To verify receipt information, follow the steps below:
- Go to FRMS: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/frms/home/.
- Click the Procurement tab.
- Click the PO subtab.
- In the PO Number field, type the PO number and click View PO.
- On the PO Details page, determine:
- Who is responsible for creating the receipt?
- If the shipping center displays U-110, Campus Distribution Services is responsible for receiving the item(s) and creating the receipt for the order. Contact Campus Distribution Services at 512-232-3915 for assistance.
- If the shipping center is not U-110, the department is responsible for creating a receiving report.
- If a receipt was not created - Look for the Number of Receipts field. If no receipt was created, the field displays 0.
- If receipts were not entered for all invoiced items - In the Number of Receipts field, click see receipts to verify which invoiced items have not been received. Compare the Line Items in the Not Yet Received column on the receipts to the Line Items listed in the email you received. Note: Do not wait for all items to be delivered before creating a receipt; partial receipts should be created for partial deliveries.
- If receipts were not finalized for all invoiced items - Click see receipts to view the receipt status. A receipt is not finalized until the Status column displays Finalized on [date] and the date listed is before today's date. If receipts were not finalized for all invoiced items on the day of the first missing receipt email notice is sent, the UT Market buyer receives daily reminders up to 17 days until all receipts for invoiced items are finalized.