My address has changed since I began working at The University of Texas at Austin. How do I change my address so that I will receive my W-2 and/or 1042-S?
Electronic copies of Form W-2 will be available to download as a PDF in Workday. If your W-2 reflects an incorrect address, you can update your address in Workday and immediately retrieve an updated copy of your W-2 electronically that reflects the new address.
If you are an employee, your Payroll Tax Form address indicated in Workday will also be used on your Form 1042-S.
If you are not an employee, the address used on Form 1042-S will be the local address indicated in UT Direct.
Contact UT Austin Tax Services if you do not receive your W-2 Form.
Email if you do not receive your Form 1042-S or need to update the address printed on your Form 1042-S.