My name has changed. How can I update this on my employee records?
Legal name changes can be made by an employee in Workday by clicking on the Personal Information worklet on the Home page. From there, select "Legal Name" from the Change options box.
A change to the legal name (first and last) in Workday routes to Payroll Services for approval and must match your government issued social security card.
In order for Payroll Services to approve your legal name change, a copy of your social security card and your UT EID will need to be uploaded to the secure website, and/or brought to Payroll Services (MAI 4), or faxed to 512-471-0212.
For employees who do not have access to Workday, please contact Payroll Services regarding the legal name change. A copy of the social security card reflecting the name change will still need to be provided.
Note: After the legal name change is approved and updated in Workday, this change will be reflected in other university system applications that also use the employee’s legal name. It may take up to a few hours before the other system updates are reflected.