Print DEFINE Screens to PDF

How do I get PDFs of a DEFINE payment voucher or coversheet?

NOTE: The following instructions are for printing a single DEFINE screen or voucher coversheet to PDF from either the QWS3270 application-based mainframe, or the web-based VIRTEL mainframe. For all other DEFINE printing, including all payment vouchers, refer to Print A DEFINE Screen to Green Output.
Instructions to print any DEFINE screen to PDF, using QWS3270:
For PC:
First set the printer color.
  1. Log into DEFINE.
  2. Go to the Options tab in the actions ribbon at the top of the screen in DEFINE and select "Session."
  3. Select the "Printer" option from the menu bar on the left.
  4. In the box titled "Colour Options," choose black and white.
Go to the document you wish to print and complete the following steps:
  1. In the top right corner of the screen is a tab called "QWS3270." Click on it and then on the "Print Setup" tab.
  2. In the printer name drop-down, select "Microsoft Print to PDF." Click "OK" to close the window.
  3. Click the printer icon in the ribbon at the top of the screen. You will be prompted to save the document with a unique title.  Choose a name and click "Save." The document should now be a PDF on your desktop. 
Repeat these steps for each screen you wish to save to PDF.
For Mac: 
  1. Click on the File button on the ribbon at the top of your screen.  Select "Print Screen" from the drop-down. A new dialogue box opens. 
  2. Select the "Save as PDF" option and save the file with a unique name.
Repeat these steps for each screen you wish to save to PDF.
Instructions to print a coversheet for a payment voucher
  1. For PC, first follow the steps to set printer color above. Pull up the voucher you wish to print to PDF.
  2. Type "prt" in the action field of the document and press enter. Remove the TID printer number from the field (this will repopulate after the current print job). You will now see the first page of the voucher coversheet.
  3. At the top of the screen is the action ribbon. Use the print instructions above for your OS type. You will be prompted to save the document with a unique title. Choose a name and click "Save." The document should now be a PDF on your desktop. Press enter to go to the next page.
Repeat these steps for all pages of the coversheet
VIRTEL Instructions to print any DEFINE screen to PDF from the virtual mainframe
  1. When working remotely, access the web-based version of *DEFINE via
  2. Go to the VP1/VP2/VPE/VP5 document for which you need to print a coversheet.
  3. Type PRT in the Action field and press Enter
  4. Remove the TID printer number from the field if one appears. Press Enter and you will now see the first page of the *DEFINE coversheet.
  5. Click on the screen capture button (it looks like a camera) on the action ribbon across the top of the VIRTEL *DEFINE screen.
  6. The pop up screen will have three options across the top of the screen. Set the first to Continuous, the second to Standard, and then click Print.
  7. You are now at the Print interface. Make sure that Adobe PDF is set as the Destination and Black and White set for color.
  8. Click Print; type in the name of the Doc ID for the name of the file, i.e. 80VP2986537; choose where you want to save it; and press Save.
  9. The document should now be a PDF wherever you saved it. You are now ready to assemble the rest of your PDF. For instructions on assembling your PDF, refer to Convert Support Documentation from Paper to PDF.